Edmund Rice Schools Trust
Drimnagh Castle Primary School is a Catholic school, under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust.
The Edmund Rice Schools Trust has responsibility for 96 schools, secondary and primary, in the Republic of Ireland. The Trust supports its schools and their students, teachers, principals and voluntary boards of management, members, directors and staff in line with the tenets of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust Charter.
Our schools promote equality of access and participation – in other words, children of any faith, or none, at every level of ability, of any nationality or ethnic grouping are all welcome in our schools. All of our schools recognise the uniqueness of each individual in caring communities where holistic development is nurtured. Enrolment processes are open and flagged in advance. High educational, developmental and pastoral standards apply in all our schools.
In addition to the provision of high standards of excellence in teaching and learning, our schools uphold a strong sporting tradition, gaelic culture, and ethos of social justice. Inspired by the five key elements of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust Charter our schools are responding to a changing world and supporting the leaders of the future to work in partnership, care for the environment, look after themselves and others equally and be inspirational citizens.